• Spacious  facility 
• Cardio Room with Turf and Functional Fitness section
• Strongman Equipment including: Farmer’s Carry, Weighted Kegs, Atlas Stone Tables, Throwing and Carrying Sandbags, Yoke, Circus Dumbbell, Multiple Sized Logs and more!  
• Strength Equipment from Life Fitness, Cybex, Hammer Strength, Body Masters, Cerberus, Titan, Rogue, Star Trac, Matrix, Paramount, Flex, Precor, and Icarian


Year Contract $34.99 per month
Student/Military/First Responders $29.99 per month
Year Paid in Full $365
Single Month $49.99
Day Pass $10

Meet The Owners

Danielle and Jerry

Danielle is a nationally qualified strongwoman, Strongman Corporation, and nationally qualified bikini bodybuilder, NPC.  She has grown her love for fitness since 2017 when she did her first bodybuilding show.  She is a certified National Academy of Sports Medicine personal trainer with additional certification in Nutrition and as a  Behavior Change Specialist.  Danielle graduated with a degree in Culinary Arts from Kendall College Chicago in 2009 and will be using those skills to masterfully create delicious healthy food options for Imperium Fitness Meal Prep in the on site kitchen.

Jerry has always had a love for athletics and started playing football and wrestling at the age of 4.  He was signed to play with the Cincinnati Gladiators in arena football in 2016-2017.  Jerry competed in NPC classic physique but made the switch to strongman  in 2020.  He finished 3rd in Ohios Strongest Man 2020, won The Beast of Bluegrass 2020  and came in 3rd at Indiana Strength Challenge.  He qualified for nationals and  finished 6th in the heavyweight division at the Strongman Corporation Nationals 2021.  He is a certified personal trainer with Expert Rating.


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